
Inserts Spaceman’s Orb script, otherwise known as the Active X Direct Animation Path
Prompts for image to be used

How to use it: Somewhat similar to the Bounce script discussed previously, this Active X control creates movement of another sort in your stationery. This takes an image and slowly moves it around the screen in an oval path.

There are many options you can change to customize how the image moves.  First, let's take a look at the code:

<IMG border="0" id="image" src="mailto.gif" style="POSITION: absolute">
<OBJECT align="baseline" classid=CLSID:D7A7D7C3-D47F-11D0-89D3-00A0C90833E6 height="1" id="Orb" width="1" border = "0">
    <PARAM NAME="Autostart" VALUE="-1">
    <PARAM NAME="Bounce" VALUE="0">
    <PARAM NAME="Direction" VALUE="0">
    <PARAM NAME="Duration" VALUE="15">
    <PARAM NAME="Repeat" VALUE="-1">
    <PARAM NAME="Target" VALUE="image">
    <PARAM NAME="Shape" VALUE="OVAL(0,0,300,100)">

As you can see, this script includes many parameters that you can change to modify how it works.  The first such item that you may wish to change is the "Bounce" parameter.  By default, this is set to zero. This means that the image will follow the path in a the default direction and will continue unhindered.  However, by changing the value of "bounce" to 1, the image will behave differently.   Now, it will follow the path in the default direction, but when it reaches the apex of the loop, it will "bounce" and reverse direction. When it once again reaches the starting point, it will again reverse direction.

The next item that we can change is the "Direction" parameter.  By default, this is set to zero which results in a clockwise direction of travel.  If this is changed to a value of 1, then the image will travel in the opposite direction, counter-clockwise.

Next is the "Duration" Parameter.  This is the number of seconds that the selected image will take to traverse one complete orbit.  Lowering this number will result in faster movement.  Increasing the value of "Duration" will cause the image to move slower.

Now we come to the "repeat" parameter.  This determines the number of times that the image will complete it's orbit.  The default value of -1 is an infinite loop.  You can set this to a value of 1, 2, 3, and so on.  Please note that the value of the "Bounce" Parameter described above can affect the number of time that the image will appear to loop as when Bounce is turned on, a complete orbit consists of following the path in both directions.

The last item you can change is the "shape" parameter.  You'll notice that by default the shape is set to oval and it has four numbers afterwards.  These are the co-ordinates that tell the image where to travel.

The first value represents the number of pixels in from the left margin that the top of the path will be at.  For instance, a value of 100 means that the apex of the oval will be located 100 pixels in from the left margin.

The second value represents the number of pixels down from the top of the window that the peak of the orbital path will be at.  For instance, a value of 0 means that the top of the oval will be right at the top of the window.

The third value represents the width of the oval in pixels.  For instance, a value of 300 means that the image will travel in a 300 pixel wide oval.

Finally, the last value represents the height of the orbital path.  For instance, a value of 100 means that the image will travel in an oval which is only 100 pixels high.

Please see Customizing for information on how to make any of these changes permanent, if you should so desire.